Thursday, July 24, 2008


Well today I had my baseline U/S and bloodwork. They could only get me in at 4pm today so my results wont be back until tomorrow morning. But once they're in, they will forward them on to Shady Grove. I do know that my lining is thin (yay) and the Lupron is working and has suppressed my ovaries. There were no follicles to be seen (yay). So now we wait for my estrogen and progesterone levels, and my blood pregnancy test which will be negative. Once the results are faxed to Shady Grove then my nurse will call and let me know that I can stop the Lupron and start the Del Estrogen. Yay for bigger needles!

I just cant believe that in a little over 3 weeks we'll be transferring again! Hopefully for the final time! I had a new radiologist do my U/S today so I got to tell our story all over again. Everyone I tell is so supportive and thinks its so neat what technology can achieve these days.

On a sad note, there was a notice on the desk when I signed in that my old doctor, Dr. Agee, had died recently. He retired at the end of last year, and apparently it was because he had a terminal illness and didn't tell anyone. He finally succumbed to it, whatever it was. He delivered Quinnie and it was a wonderful experience. Dr. Agee was my favorite doctor I've ever had. So sad. I cried on the way home today because I was remembering all the silliness and the jokes during Quinn's birth. I'm glad that some of my pictures from Quinn's birth have Dr. Agee in them. Such a nice old man.

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