Saturday, March 28, 2009
Quick update
I have been pumping breastmilk for the girls. Since they were born a little bit early, I know that breastmilk is very beneficial for them and I am determined to make it work! The last few days I was doing pretty well with the colostrum and then last night my milk came in. I woke up this morning in PAIN. I pumped this morning and got a decent amount, then tried again in the early afternoon and hardly got anything. I wasnt very happy with that, especially considering that M&B brought me some more containers for the milk and told me that the girls were gulping it down. So I was determined to keep this going for as long as the girls are here. I found my old Medela pump (I had been using the Medela Symphony that I rented from the hospital) and tried that and WOW it worked so much better than the double pump from the hospital! So I have gotten plenty of milk for them today. I am so glad we're back on track with the milk.
The girls are doing very well. They are eating well and will possibly get to have their IV's taken out within a couple days. They will have to pass the carseat test before they can leave though. But thats just to make sure they can fit properly and safely into a carseat. Very important! There's no real timeline of when they can leave though, so everyone's just taking it one day at a time.
I havent been up there to see them since the morning I left the hospital (Thursday). I've been trying to make sure I keep my distance, just because I've obviously never done this before and dont want to freak M&B out if I appear too eager to go see them. I'm pretty sure they know they dont have to worry about me though. I do miss those wiggly little girls, but its just like any other pregnancy where you birth a child and miss feeling him/her kick and squirm in your belly. M&B have been wonderful...with all the updates and the pictures and inviting me up to see the girls before I left the hospital. I think we might go up there tomorrow afternoon sometime so I can return the rental pump, drop off some milk for the girls, and of course visit with all of them. I'll have to check with them tomorrow and see if that would be ok. All 4 of us would be going and I dont even know if they'd allow Ian & Quinn into the special care nursery. We'll see!
I want to take a second to thank each and every one of you who has followed this journey, commented on my blog, and just overall supported all of us throughout the past year. I have never felt so much love from so many people all over the world. It is a truly amazing feeling to know that so many people are praying for you & thinking of you. My friends have been angels to me and my church has been amazing as well. They're even having people bring us meals for a few days! And Chris, my darling husband, has been awesome from day 1. I know he will be happy to no longer be on grocery/dinner/cleaning duty though! I am actually looking forward to getting back to normal and doing the things around here I used to do. And then my Mom, who has texted me every single day to check on me and make sure I was doing ok. Yes mom, I'm fine, I promise! :)
Well, time for sleep. I love sleep. :)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
They're here!
My water broke around 5pm last night, while sitting on the toilet of all places! M&B picked me up while Chris took our boys to the sitter, and we got to the hospital around 6:30. They hooked me up and my contrax werent very strong or close enough together, so they gave me some pitocin to get it going. It started to hurt around 9:30 and I was dilated to 5-6cm. Got my epi and was feeling great by 10:30. The doctor checked me around 12:30am and said I was complete!
They moved me to the OR just in case I needed a c-section. The doctor got me all set up and had me push...little Presley Skye came out in one push at 12:47am. She then was able to turn Baby B from breech to vertex, which wasnt very pleasant feeling. Lyla Brooke was born after 3 pushes at 12:54am. Both girls came out screaming! They both weighed 4lbs 15 oz...Presley is 17.5" and Lyla is 18.5". Their Apgars were 9,9 and 8,9. The nurse was in disbelief that they were so incredibly healthy for being preemies. She said she would have given them perfect 10s but she never even gives 10s to full term babies.
So despite being born at 34w4d, they will likely be released from the special care nursery as soon as its determined that they can eat and their sucking reflex is working properly. No NICU time at all! I just pumped some colostrum and sent it upstairs for the girls and I will continue to pump as long as M&B want me to.
The doctor told us that this was the easiest twin birth she had ever been a part of! It just went so well and so quickly. It really was perfect! The nurses teared up a bit when they saw M&B's faces when they saw their daughters for the first time.
Oh, and what was really cool was that even though we were in the OR, they let all 3 of 'my people' stay in the room. So Chris was there playing photographer, and M&B got to be right there were the action was. It was truly an amazing experience.
They invited me up to see the girls this morning when they went in there and they are absolutely BEAUTIFUL. No wrinkly, swollen newborn look at all. Beautiful round heads full of dark hair, precious dainty features, the sweetest little lips.
If I am able to, I will post pictures later. Its totally up to M&B and their comfort level. I could possibly even post the pics and then take them down after a couple days or so.
This was the most awesome thing I have ever done. M&B are the greatest and have truly made this the perfect journey I had hoped for. I dont get very emotional, so I didn't cry during the birth or anything, but my heart was just so filled with love for these girls and pride in myself and my body for doing such a good job. I set out to help create a family and all I ever wanted was to carry a big strong healthy baby for someone...and I lucked out and got to carry two of them.
So this journey has come to an end, but in other ways it is just beginning. :)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
New Poll
Here are the facts:
- At 31 weeks I was admitted to the hospital because I was 2cm dilated and contracting 5-6 times per hour.
- I am on a medication called Nifedipine which relaxes the 'smooth muscle' of the uterus. If I am even an hour late taking one, I start having more contractions. I was told I can stop taking it at 36 weeks which is next Friday.
- I still contract a couple times per hour while taking the medication. When labor wants to start, this pill wont keep it from happening if its really time!
- I am on modified bedrest, which is really just limited activity. I am allowed to run into the store if I need to grab something or go out to eat, or go to church. Just as long as I am not doing anything strenuous or that has me on my feet for any extended amount of time (no cleaning or cooking, etc).
- I was induced with both of my own children...Ian at 39w2 days and Quinn at 40w1d. I wasn't more than 1cm dilated with either of them when their inductions were started.
- I might have lost some mucus plug last week. Havent seen anything like it since, and I'm not sure thats what it was. Who knows!
So there are the facts! At the start of this week I was really feeling like it would happen this week. A lot of people think it will. I'm not sure anymore because I actually feel ok despite being very tired. But we all know labor starts whenever it wants to, and is very unpredictable!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
34 weeks!
- Baby acts completely like a newborn, with her eyes opened when awake and closed when sleeping. You may also find her settling into more of a routine for sleeping & awake times.
- She has learned to blink. She can also see more clearly when there is a bright light on your stomach and probably has the outline of all your organs memorized!
- Antibodies from your blood are being transferred to her. These immunities continue to build until birth. Then breast milk will add even more protection against disease.
- Baby may have already turned to a head-down position in preparation for birth. If she is your first baby, she may be settling into the pelvis with her head pressing against your cervix.
- Fingernails have reached the end of the fingertips now. She may scratch her face even before she is born!
- Your little one's length is 17.7 inches (45cm) and weight is 4.7 pounds (2146 g).
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Contraction log
Funny coincidence?
Sometimes they move and wiggle SO much, and then other times I have to poke them to get them to budge. I wish they'd go nuts with movement when M&B are around. So far they have gotten to feel Baby B's head up at the top of my belly and feel her having hiccups. As I write this, Baby A actually has the hiccups. I cant feel hers as well as I can feel Baby B's since Baby A is down so low.
I have been eating a lot more lately. I think I will have another gain this week. Then again, I'm sure the boxes of Girl Scout cookies on top of the fridge arent helping anything. ;)
Also, I need a pedicure, desperately. My feet are all dry and my heels are cracked. My toenails are long and unpainted, since I cant reach them. I asked Chris to do it, but he quickly declined. I have a spa giftcard from some friends and I think I will try to get a pedi before I go into labor if my doctor says its ok. At least I will be sitting in a chair the whole time while they do my feet. They look so ugly right now. But at least they arent swollen! I'm glad its not flip-flop weather yet!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Daily pill count
5 Metamucil caplets
4 Nifedipine caplets
2 Colace softgels
1 prenatal vitamin
1 Unisom (not every day)
1 SlowFe iron tablet
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Another belly shot

I took it today (33w2d) with my Nikon D40. Here are the specs of the shot:
50mm lens
Exposure: 1/100
ISO 1600
Saturday, March 14, 2009
33 weeks!
I had my weekly appointment yesterday and had a couple special people there with me! Yep, M&B! The first portion was of course the ultrasound. M&B really enjoyed seeing their girls on the screen again, although it was difficult to tell what was what. Last time they got to see the ultrasound, the girls were small (20 weeks) so it was easier to know what you were looking at. Baby A got a 6/8 on her biophysical profile and Baby B got a 8/8. The only thing we didnt see with Baby A was the practice breathing movements. Last week both girls did everything they were supposed to in a very short amount of time, but this time it took the whole 30 minutes per baby to get the breathing movements. Baby B waited until the very end to do hers, but Baby A wasn't playing along. The tech said that was the most common one to not see (the breathing movements) on the ultrasound though.
Baby A was measuring 4lb 7oz I think (I was distracted and dont remember the exact weight), and Baby B was all the way up to 4lbs 14oz. I just dont understand that, considering Baby B was 3lbs 12oz last week. But its all just a measurement estimate anyways. It just seems to be inaccurate compared to the previous measurements. So we'll see! M&B got a few ultrasound pictures, including a couple 3D facial shots of Baby A. Baby B was still turned in towards my back so we couldn't get any good shots of her. I think the one they got of her (regular black & white picture) was of her spine.
Then I had the NST. I had to go in there alone because its done in this room about the size of a closet. Well they hooked up Baby A and the Toco (contraction monitor) and I think they forgot about me. I was in there for a LONG time. I read a whole magazine! I started to get cranky! I texted M, who was out in the waiting room, to let her know that I was still stuck in the chair hooked up to Baby A. Not too much later, they came in and switched it over to Baby B. Both babies did great on those, and I was actually having a few contractions. I never really felt them....maybe one or two of them. But they werent enough to concern anyone.
Then the nurse checked my BP and it was 110/70. My weight went up by 2 pounds, and my urine analysis came back protein or ketones.
When it was time to see the doctor (not my usual doctor) I had M&B come back with me so they could talk with her. I know M was pretty nervous about Baby A not getting the 2 points for her practice breathing movements. The doctor said it wasnt that big of a deal yet and we'll recheck at my appointment next week. She also said my results for the GBS (Group B Strep) test came back positive. I wasnt very happy about that! I never had GBS with either of my boys so I dont know how the heck I have it now! Its a common bacteria found on the skin, the vagina, and anus (which they swabbed all of when I was in the hospital a couple weeks ago...ugh) and some people are just carriers of it without ever being sick or anything. I couldn't find anything definitive last night on the internet about how someone can go from not having it, to having it. But its fairly common and they will put some antibiotics in my IV when I'm in labor and that will keep the babies from possibly picking it up as they pass through the birth canal. But still, I'm pretty ticked that all the sudden I have GBS.
It was really cute when M&B were calling the girls by all the different names they had picked out, trying to see which names the girls responded to. I think they are getting closer to nailing down the names for sure, but only time will tell. And it looks like they will have plenty of time to decide! And no, I wont be telling you their names....thats up to Mom & Dad. ;)
Here's the girls' 33 week development:
- Amniotic fluid is at its highest level during your pregnancy.
- Baby's head size has increased 3/8ths of an inch due to rapid brain growth.
- Neurons and synapses are developing in huge numbers -- forming connections in baby's brain will give her the skills she needs to thrive as a newborn. This week, she may be able to coordinate sucking and swallowing with breathing.
- While most of her bones are hardening, her skull is quite pliable and not completely joined.
- The bones will be able to move slightly to make birthing easier.
- Baby takes intermittent deep breaths -- of water! That's okay, though since she gets oxygen from the placenta. This breathing exercises muscles and encourages her lung cells to produce more surfactant (a protein essential for healthy lung development).
- Your infant is now 17.2 inches (43.7cm) long and weighs 4.23 pounds (1918gm).
And here is my 33 week belly. I took it late in the day so I look a bit tired. M&B made us dinner last night (chicken enchiladas) and they were fantastic! So we got to spend quite a bit of time with them, which was really nice. We will hopefully see them again on Sunday. It's just such a relief that they are here and we have our 'middle of the night' labor plan and our daytime labor plan. Now we can all just relax and wait for the show to begin! :) (but hopefully not for a few more weeks!)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
My appointment is Friday at 1:30 so I will update again later that day, possibly. We will be hanging with M&B that day so I may not get the chance until Saturday. :)
Friday, March 6, 2009
32 weeks!
I had my appointment a bit ago and everything went perfectly! Baby A is still head down and weighs 4lbs 3oz, and Baby B is breech and weighs 3lbs 14oz. They both got 10 out of 10 on their Biophysical profile and NST. They did so well that the tests went pretty quickly. I had a different ultrasound tech this time and she explained everything we were looking at and she even flipped to 3D to try to get a couple pictures. Unfortunately Baby A had umbilical cord in her face and Baby B is turned facing into Baby A, so she was unsuccessful. I hope I get her for my next ultrasound next week...she said she would try again to get some 3D pictures since M&B will be there with me! While I was on the monitor for the NST, I didnt have a single contraction. I have had very few this week, so when my doctor saw the monitor and heard that I havent had many, she said she would stay out of my cervix today! So I didnt have a cervix check and it seems I didnt have a reason to anyways. Everything is going wonderfully. I am still on limited activity, but she said I can do a bit more as long as I'm not contracting. Yippee!
No weight gain recently. I am still sitting at 31 pounds gained, which is very good. I have very little to no swelling, and my BP was 110/60 which is nice and normal for me. All in all, a GREAT visit! I go back next Friday at 1:30. I wont see my doctor though, I will see the one who saw me in the hospital. I like her too though.
Oh and I should mention that I just LOVE my doctor. She said even if Baby B stays breech, I can still have a vaginal delivery if Baby A is head down. She said she is pretty "old school" and has no problem attempting to deliver Baby B breech if all conditions are favorable. She said the thing to worry about is if Baby B tries to come down shoulder first, in which case I would end up with a c-section anyways, which is the worst scenario - a vaginal AND a c-section is quite an undertaking! But she said that doesnt happen very often, and they could try and turn Baby B around too. So it looks like I'm going to get my vaginal delivery! :)
Well here is the 32 week update for the girls!
- Baby is up to 3.75 pounds now and is 16.7 inches (42.4cm) long.
- You might notice she's not moving around as much now. Don't worry! She is fine -- just running short on room. She still has plenty of growing to do though, believe it or not!
- All five senses are working. Your little one is fascinated and practicing testing these out as much as possible!
- Toenails are completely formed even though she may not be quite ready for a French manicure.
- Hair on your infant's head continues to grow in.
- Brain scans have shown that babies have periods of dream sleep (REM) starting around the eight month.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Another growth spurt?
I think I read somewhere that once you start measuring 41+ weeks (which I am!) you start expanding to the sides moreso than out front. Either way, the human body is a wonderous thing with its ability to stretch way beyond its normal size! I mean, have you even seen the pictures of the Octomom when she was pregnant? Whenever I feel stretched to the limit and sore, I just think of how SHE must have felt being 30 weeks pregnant with 8 babies.
I am still doing great. I'm taking the Nifedipine around the clock, which makes me nervous because its primarily for chest pains, and it seems to be keeping the contractions away. Either that, or just the fact that I am relaxing more. I am looking forward to my appointment on Friday. I love the ultrasound part! The NST is kind of a pain just because Baby B likes to turn away from the monitor and the nurse has to keep coming back in to reposition it on my belly, and then we have to track movements and heartrate for a certain amount of time. Baby A stays in the same position but I think its just because she is head down and has nowhere else to go! And then there's the good old cervix check....hopefully there has been no more progress! I would be VERY surprised if there has been, considering I sit on my butt all day. I think we'll be just fine though.
Our PBO stuff is almost done. Chris and I had our copy signed and notarized, and the attorney's office will be picking it up tomorrow morning. It feels good to have this done so that once the babies are born, M&B's names will go straight on the birth certificate and all the other good stuff that goes along with it. Its another thing to check off the list!
Well I will update again on Friday after my appointment. I've stopped hoping for ultrasound pictures but if they surprise me with some, I will happily post them! :)