Miss Presley (being burped by her proud daddy!):

And back in her isolette:
Miss Lyla (being fed by her proud mommy!):

And making a face:
Backtracking a bit, here I am before the contractions got painful!
And here I am in the OR, about to push:

I have tons more pictures, but these are the only ones I am going to share. The rest I think should remain private between my family and M&B's. :)
They are absolutely gorgeous!! (they look alot alike, are they identical?) What you did for M&B was amazing Jen, what a wonderful gift(x2)!!
Michelle (trying4#4 from IDOB)
Thank you so much for sharing the photos! What cuties!! And wow you looked amazingly relaxed for what was going on at the time. You're incredible!!
What beautiful beautiful girls!!
Great Job! They are perfect! Thank you for sharing.
Ah crap! Does this mean I have to wait till May to see the rest of them??
Jen, they are absolutely beautiful. You will forever by my shero for the wonderful gift you gave to M&B!! I am in awe of your generosity. Thank you for sharing a few of the pictures from the big day.
they are beautiful!! congratulations to all of you.
They are just PERFECT!!! How incredibly adorable. You did an amazing job. I hope you are feeling so proud right now. Thank you for sharing.
I am so proud of you for what you have done Jen. You have given the most ultimate gift that one can give to another person. You made it possible for a lovely couple to experience the joy of having a family of their own. You are such a caring, giving person, and I just want you to know that you are my hero!! And I am not just saying that because I am your mom either!! :)
I love you!
Jen, what an absolutely amazing gift you gave M&B! The girls are absolutely beautiful!!!
Thanks for sharing your amazing journey with all of us.
OMG! They are so beautiful! Thank you to M&B for sharing the pictures of their adorable little girls!
You did a wonderful job Jenn! I am so proud of you. This makes me want to be a surrogate even more! I am so impressed with all of you.
Congratulations to everyone! (And if M&B ever want to try cloth diapers, let me know. I'll get them a good deal *grins*)
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