Another belly shot
On a messageboard I post on they have weekly photography challenges. They're just meant to be fun, nothing competitive or serious. This past week's was 'self portrait' and you could interpret it any way you want. Well I decided that I would do a nice frontal belly shot with my good camera. So here it is. It has been resized, softened, and had about 1/4 inch cropped off the top so my bra wouldn't show, but other than that it is unedited.

I took it today (33w2d) with my Nikon D40. Here are the specs of the shot:
50mm lens
Exposure: 1/100
ISO 1600
Cool photo!
strep b is actually what infected emma's amniotic fluid. the girls both had antibiotics for a week after they were born as a precaution. we have no idea is that is what put me into early labor or not. i'm so happy you've come so far!
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